Holiday training class!

The Central Illinois Shotokan Karate (CISKA) had a special holiday workshop in the Hollis Park District gym taught by Sensei Brewer and Sensei Hartman. Lessons covered all aspects of kihon, kata, and kumite and classes were held on both Friday the 28th and on Saturday morning the 29th.

We had a special guest join in! Sensei David Gomez, Southern States AJKA instructor visited us from Georgia to train and visit. We also invited him to share and teach a Saturday session that everyone enjoyed. It was just nice for the 20 or so black belts and brown belts get together to train and socialize: just a good time, in keeping with the good will and feeling of the holiday season. Sensei Brewer and Sensei Gomez had both contributed and worked with Randall Hassell and Edmond Otis, when they wrote the Complete Idiots Guide to Karate, but had never met each other before now: small world!.

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